Most Commonly Asked React Interview Questions

Software Development | Design, Digital, Technology | Oct 27,2021 | By Nandini S

The React course will teach you how to create your own apps for your phone, PC, and other devices. This website contains frequently requested react js interview questions.

1.Explain the distinction between React JS and React Native.

ANS:React js is a front-end open-source JavaScript library for creating user interfaces. Rect Native is a free and open-source mobile framework that enables developers to use React on platforms such as Android and iOS.

2.Identify a key Redux workflow feature.

ANS:The following are key elements of the Redux workflow: Reset: Assists you in resetting the Store's State. Revert: Allows you to return to the most recently committed State. Sweep: All disable actions that you may have accidentally fired will be erased. Commit: Assists you in making the present state the starting point.

3.What is the most recent stable release of React?

ANS:React 17.5 is the most recent stable version.

4.Is it possible to bind a JSX element to another JSX component?

ANS:Yes, you may use the attach JSX element in conjunction with other JSX components, which is analogous to layering HTML elements.

5.What exactly is REFS in React?

ANS:The element is referenced by ref. In most circumstances, it should be avoided. However, it is sometimes utilised when you need to directly access the DOM or instance of the component.

6.What is the point of bindActionsCreators?

ANS:BindActionCreator allows you to tie an event to an HTML element depending on the action dispatcher.

7.Name any five premade React prototypes.

ANS:The most common React js protoypes are: number string array object element

8.How are the reducers going to be spilled?

ANS:We can reveal the rescues based on the acts of the incident. That activity should be divided into modules.

9.How will the reducers be spilled?

ANS:Based on the events of the incident, we can reveal the rescues. That activity should be broken down into modules.

10.How will you handle greater activity using redux?

ANS:We use the same functionality in several modules to build the same component in numerous action flows.

11.How should the data be distributed in-store?

ANS:We can send the data to another component based on the action that stored the parent component.

12.What exactly is ComponentWillMount?

ANS:This method is invoked once a DOM element is removed from the DOM, and it will swipe memory, allowing you to improve your access space.

13.What exactly is a ref?

ANS:The DOM elements have a property called ref. The major function of the references is to make it easier to discover the DOM elements.

14.What is the distinction between getInitialState() and function Object() { [native code] }()?

ANS:If you want to extend 'React. Component' to build a single component, the function Object() { [native code] } assists you in initialising the State. However, if you wish to construct a class using 'Reat.createClass.', you should use 'genInitiaState.'

15.In React, how can we accomplish server-side rendering?

ANS:To accomplish the server-side rendering, we may utilise reaction serve.

16.List a few of the methods in the react-dom package.

ANS:The following are important ways for react-dom packages: render() hydrate() createPortal() unmountComponentAtNode() findDOMNode()

17.Why do you need props, children?

ANS:You may use props.children to provide a component as data to other components.

18.What exactly are Controlled Components?

ANS:Controlled components are those that have control over the input elements.

19.What's the distinction between createElement and cloneElment?

ANS:React uses createElement to create react elements. The cloneElement method is used to duplicate an element and feed it new properties.

20.Describe react hooks.

ANS:React hooks enable you to leverage State and other React capabilities without having to write a class.

A2N Academy is the place to go if you're a frontend developer wanting to learn the fundamentals of React.js. The Reactjs course will teach you the foundations and prepare you for the job market from the bottom up.

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