Software Development | Design, Digital, Technology | Oct 23,2021 | By Shashvathi G

Java is a computer language that is object-oriented. It's the most popular programming language for Android development. It may also be used to create desktop apps, online apps, and web services. As a result, we've compiled a list of the most critical Java Interview Questions you'll need to answer in order to land your ideal job in the IT business.

1.Who is the inventor of Java?

ANS:James Gosling created Java at Sun Microsystems (which has since been acquired by Oracle) and it was first released in 1995 as a core component of Sun Microsystems' Java platform.

2.In Java, what is bytecode?

ANS:Java programmes are written in bytecode, which is a compiled format. After converting a Java programme to bytecode, it can be transported over a network and executed by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). The.class extension is commonly used for bytecode files.

3.In Java, how do you set the classpath?

ANS:Select Start, Control Panel, System, then the Advanced tab from the drop-down menu. Select Environment Variables from the drop-down menu. Locate and pick the PATH environment variable in the section System Variables. Set the value of the PATH environment variable in the Edit System Variable (or New System Variable) window. Click the OK button.

4.In Java, how do you connect to a database?

ANS:Install or find the database you'd like to use. Add the JDBC library to the mix. Ascertain that the JDBC driver you require is included in your classpath. To get a connection to the database, use the JDBC library. To run SQL commands, use the connection.

5.In Java, what is an enum?

ANS:A group of constants is represented by an enum, which is a special "class" (unchangeable variables, like final variables). Use the enum keyword instead of class or interface to build an enum, and use a comma to separate the constants.

6.In Java, what is dao?

ANS:Dao is a straightforward Java class that implements JDBC logic. In commercial applications, the Java Data Access Object (Java DAO) is a crucial component. Business applications almost usually require data from relational or object databases, and the Java platform provides a variety of methods for doing so.

7.In Java, what is awt?

ANS:The Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT), which predates Swing, is Java's first platform-independent windowing, graphics, and user-interface widget toolkit. The AWT is a component of the Java Foundation Classes (JFC), which is the industry standard API for creating a graphical user interface (GUI) for a Java programme. A lot of Java ME profiles use AWT as their GUI toolkit. To support the Abstract Window Toolkit, Connected Device Configuration profiles, for example, require Java runtimes on mobile phones.

8.In Java, what is a framework?

ANS:Frameworks are big volumes of prewritten code (typically numerous classes) to which you add your own code to address a problem in a particular domain. You could say that the framework makes use of your code because the framework is normally in charge. You use a framework by calling its methods, inheriting from it, and providing "callbacks," listeners, or other Observer pattern implementations.

9.In Java, what is a variable?

ANS:A Java variable is a chunk of memory that can be used to store data. As a result, a variable has a data type. The text on Java data types goes through data types in greater depth. Variables are commonly used to store data that your Java application requires to function.

10.In Java, why do we need interfaces?

ANS:It's a technique for achieving complete abstraction. Because java does not provide multiple inheritance in the case of classes, multiple inheritance can be achieved by using interfaces. It can also be used for loose coupling. Abstraction is implemented through interfaces.

11.In Java, what is the objective of serialisation?

ANS:Object serialisation is the process of converting an object's state into a byte stream that may be saved to disk/file or delivered over the network to any other Java virtual machine that is operating. Deserialization is the process of generating an object from a byte stream in reverse.

12.In Java, what is a functional interface?

ANS:In Java, a functional interface is one that has just one abstract (unimplemented) method. In addition to the one unimplemented method, a functional interface can include default and static methods with implementations.

13.What does this java keyword mean?

ANS:In a method or function Object() { [native code] }, the this keyword refers to the current object. This keyword is most commonly used to distinguish between class characteristics and arguments with the same name (because a class attribute is shadowed by a method or function Object() { [native code] } parameter).

14.What was the original name of Java?

ANS:The language was originally known as Oak, after an oak tree that stood outside Gosling's office. Later, the work was given the name Green before being renamed Java, after Java, a coffee brand from Indonesia.

15.In Java, what is the difference between throw and throws?

ANS:Throw is a keyword that is used to explicitly throw an exception in a programme, either within a function or within a block of code. The term throws is used in the method signature to specify an exception that may be thrown by the function while the code is being executed.

16.In Java, what is a classpath?

ANS:One method to instruct programmes, including the JDK tools, where to seek for user classes is to utilise the CLASSPATH variable. (JRE, JDK platform, and extension classes should be specified via alternative methods, such as the bootstrap class path or the extensions directory.)

17.Why is Java platform agnostic?

ANS:The java compiler transforms the source code into a JVM interpretable set of intermediate form known as byte code during compilation. This is not executable, unlike the compiled code generated by other compilers. The java virtual machine interpreter converts non-executable code into executable code that may be run on any system. As a result, the platform dependence has been eliminated.

18.Why is Java a Robust Language?

ANS:Java is considered resilient due to the following characteristics: – No pointers: Java does not contain pointers, making it secure. Garbage Collection: Java automatically removes unneeded objects from memory when they are no longer needed. Java has an excellent memory management system. Dynamic linking is supported by Java.

19.What makes Java so safe?

ANS:Pointers are not allowed in Java. Access to the actual locations of variables in a system is provided through pointers. Java applications are also bytecode executables that can only execute in the JVM. As a result, java programmes have no access to the host systems on which they run, making them more secure. Java has its own memory management mechanism, which contributes to its security.

20.What is the difference between Java Development Kit (JDK), Java Runtime Environment (JRE), and Java Virtual Machine (JVM)?

ANS:The Java Development Kit (JDK) is a software environment for creating Java programmes. It's a set of libraries that may be used to create a variety of apps. The JRE (Java Runtime Environment) is a software environment that enables the execution of Java programmes. The JRE is where all Java programmes run. The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is a software environment that converts Java applications into bytecode executables. Platform-dependent JDK and JRE, whereas platform-independent JVM.

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