Entry-level Front-End Developer interview questions in IT Companies

Web Design Interview | Business, Design, Technology | May 10,2021 | By Nikita Dhiman

A2N Academy has put together a list of often requested Front-end Developer Interview Questions and their responses. We hope you find these Front-end Developer Interview Questions and Answers helpful in your search for the best networking job.

Our Academys' Professionals planned these Entry-level Front-end Developer Interview Questions and Responses based on Multinational Companies' preferences. Make sure you go through this Front-end Developer Interview Questions and Answers and this Front-end Development Training in Bangalore to learn Practical Front-end Development.

1. Define Coffee Script?

CoffeeScript is a small programming language that translates to JavaScript. It is an attempt to demonstrate the strong points of JavaScript straightforwardly. It also makes it easier to write JavaScript code by providing a more consistent syntax and avoiding the peculiarities of the JavaScript language.

2. What technical and non-technical skills are required to be a front-end developer?

A successful front-end developer should be familiar with

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JQuery
  • JavaScript

Aside from the technical skills mentioned above, a front-end developer should have the skills listed below.

  • Requirement of Experience in content management systems (CMS) such as WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla.
  • Cross-browser research expertise.
  • Understanding of OOPS and PHP.
  • Basic knowledge of SEO and the technologies used to present web-based content to end-users, such as Dreamweaver and Flash.
3. What is the meaning of scope in JavaScript?

Each feature in JavaScript has its scope. The scope is essentially a collection of variables and the rules for accessing certain variables by name. The scoped variables of that function are accessed by code within that function.

Within the same scope, a variable name must be unique. It is possible to nest one scope within another. When one scope is nested within another, the innermost scope's code will manipulate variables from all scopes.

4. What is Cors? Explain the process

CORS (cross-origin resource sharing) is a method that enables certain services (such as fonts and JavaScript) on a web page to be requested from a domain other than the one from which they emerged. It is a mechanism in HTML5 that controls XMLHttpRequest access to a particular area.

CORS introduces new HTTP headers that grant access to origin domains that have been authorized. The specification requires that browsers use an HTTP OPTIONS request header to request a list of accepted (and available) methods from the server for HTTP methods other than GET (or POST for those MIME types). After that, the final request is sent.

Servers will also inform clients whether or not credentials(such as Cookies and HTTP Authentication data) should be submitted with requests.

5. How Do I Clear A Floated Element?

A floated aspect is removed from the document flow. To clear it, use clear: both or try overflow: On the containing div, use auto.

6. What exactly is a CSS preprocessor? Why do we employ them?

A preprocessor is used to convert text. SASS and LESS are preprocessed languages that are translated to a more structured CSS format. They are used for the following reasons:

  • The ability to identify variables
  • The ability to use nested syntax
  • Capability to build and apply mixins (functions)
  • Application of mathematical and operational functions
7. What exactly is clear?

A clear is used where an element, such as a float, does not need to wrap around another component.

8. What Is A Callback Function?

JavaScript is interpreted line by line. It will also result in what seems to be the following line of code being executed before an earlier line of code. To avoid this from occurring, a callback feature is used, which is not called until the previous line of code has been completed entirely.

9. What is an Anonymous Function?

Anonymous functions are functions that do not have a name. They are saved in a variable and are dynamically called when the variable name is used.

var x = function(a, b) { console.log(a * b) } x(3, 5); / 15
10. What Is An IIFE?

IIFE stands for Immediately-Invoked Function Expression; It executes immediately after being generated by attaching a () to the given function.

With these Interview Questions and answers by A2N Academy, you will overcome the fear and build confidence to face the interview. A2N Academy guides you with the Interview process and provides you practical knowledge about Front-end Development as it believes in a learning-by-doing approach. And the professional trainers of A2N Academy will expose you to various technical skills that can benefit you once you step into the corporate world. The Academy also believes that a role as a Front-end Developer will fetch you a satisfying payroll.

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